Each board in Terraforming Mars has a distinct background. The planet’s northern ice cap can be seen on the lower part of Hellas, upper part of Utopia, and center of Vastitas. Up until now, all custom boards were using the background texture of Tharsis. I wanted to change that.

There is a Texture field in the TM_BoardDataSet ScriptableObject called BoardGroundTexture. I found a free 3D model of Mars and rendered views for Utopia, Cimmeria, and Vastitas, trying to match the graphics used for the original boards. This is how the custom textures look after some post-production in Photoshop: Custom Ground Textures Utopia, Cimmeria, and Vastitas custom ground textures

I then had to pass these textures to the constructor method of the custom TM_BoardDataSet objects. Here is how they look in the game: Custom Utopia Board Utopia Board in-game Custom Cimmeria Board Cimmeria Board in-game Custom Vastitas Board Vastitas Board in-game

The color for the glow effect that surrounds the planet can be set by creating and passing a Unity Color to the BoardColor field of the TM_BoardDataSet ScriptableObject. For example, for Utopia:

boardDataSet.BoardColor = new Color(0.937f, 0.486f, 0.0f, 1.0f);